Please treat your appointment with us respectfully- be ready in a private place
Please treat your appointment with us respectfully- be ready in a private place
Canadian physical activity guidelines recommend adults 18 years and older should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate-vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity per week. An additional two days of resistance strength training weekly is recommended. More physical activity provides greater health benefits.
The "inactivity epidemic" we are facing is contributing to a variety of health complications, including, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, depression and anxiety, arthritis, and osteoporosis.
Physical inactivity constitutes the 4th leading cause of death globally.
A low level of fitness is a bigger risk for mortality than mild-moderate obesity.
And 33% lower risk of cancer specific mortality, than adults with low muscle strength
To learn more, ask your doctor or visit "Exercise is Medicine" :
Exercise is Medicine, American College of Sports Medicine, 2009,